Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Motif 26

Pictures of the same motif based on a design from Anne Orr's collection. I had to modify the pattern to prevent cupping.
Thread is #10 white crochet cotton with a silver twist in it.
This thread is soft and more consistent than the Aunt Lydia's but the metal twist doesn't "stick" where it belongs. Aunt Lydia's has the metallic thread wound with the cotton, and the Garden Metallic has it kind of alongside/around the cotton thread. It is NOT good for tatting as the metallic filament stretches and bunches up when closing rings. Result-- a lot of breakage of the filament. I figured out tricks to make it work for me, but I would NOT buy this as a beginner. Aunt Lydia's metallic would be a better choice.
I really like the daisy in the center of this motif. There is a daisy-style center to my star in the previous post, and I've chosen a Jon Yusoff snowflake which also has a daisy center to add to this holiday collection.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Yippee! Motifs 24 and 25, I'm finished!
I tatted both of these ornaments from Monica Hahn's Christmas book. Can't see the sparkles too well in this picture. Made with size 10 Aunt Lydia's metallic gold. Really love these. Hoping to make a bunch for gifts/to sell.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Where has she been? And Motifs 21, 22, and 23
What happened to the Renulek tutorial, you ask? ARGH! I ran out of beads and stopped working on it. I can't get more of the same beads, and it's just sickening. Disheartened. Put it in the drawer with the other UFOs (unfinished objects).
Never fear, intrepid tatters. I haven't given up on the art, just moved to a different project. Or two, or three...
Not content to muck up my Renulek, I also bungled the Stawasz doily.
On the many medallions, I joined them on the arms directly across from each other, which is not as written. Although I checked the pattern over and over again, I still managed to do it W.R.O.N.G. I was super super upset and put this in the drawer for several days as well, but now I've added row 4 and calling it done--saving the medallion chain for something else. I'll start the doily over again shortly.

These snowflakes are from Vida Sunderman's book. Ginny Weathers requested blue snowflakes for an exchange I participated in, and they turned out so nice, icy blue with matching beads.
This hedgehog from Be-Stitched was also made for an exchange.
So the snowflakes and the hedgehog are the next 3 items I'm counting in the 25 motif challenge. I haven't yet decided if I will count my doilies only once complete or separate new elements I learn in them as different motifs. We shall see.
Also making Teri Dusenbury's pineapple doily, called Forever Young, in progress. I'm nearly finished with it--here's a picture from early stages. Teri has generously given most of her patterns to us on her blog, so be sure to check it out (link above).

Non-tatting: finished Susan's monkey!
Never fear, intrepid tatters. I haven't given up on the art, just moved to a different project. Or two, or three...
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Jan Stawasz doily from Robotke magazine, Renulek summer doily ALMOST finished round 9 |

These snowflakes are from Vida Sunderman's book. Ginny Weathers requested blue snowflakes for an exchange I participated in, and they turned out so nice, icy blue with matching beads.
This hedgehog from Be-Stitched was also made for an exchange.
So the snowflakes and the hedgehog are the next 3 items I'm counting in the 25 motif challenge. I haven't yet decided if I will count my doilies only once complete or separate new elements I learn in them as different motifs. We shall see.

Non-tatting: finished Susan's monkey!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Thanks to Sue Manger!
This is an unusual blogging day for me. You've had 2 tatting posts and now I have even more to say!

Sue Manger, a friend I have made through internet tatting groups, sent me a package as a thank you for the picture tutorial for Renulek's doily. Totally unexpected!
A bracelet she made with "hand made" on the little hand charm.
Win! Purple is my color, girl, and it fits my fluffy body!
A La Cossette shuttle. Omgosh, I was SOOO thrilled. Sue, this is beyond generous! They are a bit pricey and so pretty.
A spool of pretty glittery blue thread.
And last but not least, some hand dyed lace yarn for knitting. Oh, it's so smooth and soft! I can't wait to try it! I don't knit much right now, but I have been wanting to try knitting lace for a long time, so it will be used and loved. Thank you, Sue!

A bracelet she made with "hand made" on the little hand charm.
Win! Purple is my color, girl, and it fits my fluffy body!
A La Cossette shuttle. Omgosh, I was SOOO thrilled. Sue, this is beyond generous! They are a bit pricey and so pretty.

Renulek Summer Napkin 2014: Round 8 DRAFT WITHOUT PICTURES
We had family reunion this past week, and I am trying to catch up on my blogging now! Wow, it was fun, and we got to keep my niece and nephew who live out of state for an extra week. Bonus!
This entry provides step-by-step instruction for Renulek's 2014 Summer doily. You will notice I have added a bead to each ray that is not in her pattern.
NOTES: (Please review all instructions for round before beginning.)
For Round 8 you can use a single shuttle and ball thread if tatting in a single color if you like. I used two shuttles because I am using two colors--and I prefer two shuttles. I like the weight of the second shuttle hanging from the back of my hand. It creates additional tension.
If you wish to use beads, you will need seed beads as pictured at right. You can easily follow these instructions without using beads.
Instruction key:
The - represents a decorative picot, and the ^ represents a very small joining picot. If you blow up the picture, you will be able to see the difference in picot sizes. If you see +, that will mean joining picot.
I am left handed, so keep in mind that your pattern may be traveling the opposite direction around the doily. On close up photos for technique, you will need to flip-flop them mentally and envision the mirror image if you are right handed.
I'll begin with stitch count for the round so that if you don't need the pictures, you can get moving without further ado!
R 8+ (join to front of doily) 8 RW
** Ch 8 RW
R 4-4^4-4 (if you wish to add a bead, make sure these decorative picots are a good size) RW
Ch 8 (if using beads, add it with a 0.4 mm hook here to picot from ring, then join to this chain--see pics below) medium decorative picot, ch 8
Lock join to small picot on ring
Ch 8 RW
R 8+ (join to same doily picot as the first ring of the round) 8
R 8+ (join to next doily picot) 8 RW
Repeat from ** around doily.
Pictorial instructions:
Set doily aside. Begin by creating a ring, 8 double stitches. With right side of doily facing, join to previous round at any picot. Finish ring, 8 double stitches, close ring.
Reverse work. Add second thread if you are not using CTW (continuous thread winding or ball and shuttle).
This entry provides step-by-step instruction for Renulek's 2014 Summer doily. You will notice I have added a bead to each ray that is not in her pattern.
NOTES: (Please review all instructions for round before beginning.)
For Round 8 you can use a single shuttle and ball thread if tatting in a single color if you like. I used two shuttles because I am using two colors--and I prefer two shuttles. I like the weight of the second shuttle hanging from the back of my hand. It creates additional tension.
If you wish to use beads, you will need seed beads as pictured at right. You can easily follow these instructions without using beads.
Instruction key:
The - represents a decorative picot, and the ^ represents a very small joining picot. If you blow up the picture, you will be able to see the difference in picot sizes. If you see +, that will mean joining picot.
I am left handed, so keep in mind that your pattern may be traveling the opposite direction around the doily. On close up photos for technique, you will need to flip-flop them mentally and envision the mirror image if you are right handed.
R 8+ (join to front of doily) 8 RW
** Ch 8 RW
R 4-4^4-4 (if you wish to add a bead, make sure these decorative picots are a good size) RW
Ch 8 (if using beads, add it with a 0.4 mm hook here to picot from ring, then join to this chain--see pics below) medium decorative picot, ch 8
Lock join to small picot on ring
Ch 8 RW
R 8+ (join to same doily picot as the first ring of the round) 8
R 8+ (join to next doily picot) 8 RW
Repeat from ** around doily.
Pictorial instructions:
Set doily aside. Begin by creating a ring, 8 double stitches. With right side of doily facing, join to previous round at any picot. Finish ring, 8 double stitches, close ring.
Reverse work. Add second thread if you are not using CTW (continuous thread winding or ball and shuttle).
Monday, June 16, 2014
Motifs 19 and 20

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This color is more true to life. Forgive the bad selfie. |
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Renulek Summer Napkin 2014: Round 7: BEGIN AND FINISH
Isn't Round 7 of Renulek's Summer Doily gorgeous? So lacy and pretty. Renulek said this is one of her signature motifs to include in her work. I'm excited to show you how to complete it.
NOTES: (Please review all instructions for round before beginning.)
For Round 7 you can use a single shuttle and ball thread if tatting in a single color if you like. I used two shuttles because I am using two colors--and I prefer two shuttles. I like the weight of the second shuttle hanging from the back of my hand. It creates additional tension.
Instruction key:
The - represents a decorative picot, and the ^ represents a very small joining picot. If you blow up the picture, you will be able to see the difference in picot sizes. If you see +, that will mean joining picot.
I am left handed, so keep in mind that your pattern may be traveling the opposite direction around the doily. On close up photos for technique, you will need to flip-flop them mentally and envision the mirror image if you are right handed.
Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3
Picture 4 (left)
Tatting over tails:
Chain 6^7
It appears I have reversed work to complete the chain.

Now attach to FRONT of doily at any picot on the edge.
Ch 7^6
(See above)
Join to very small picot on the side of your original ring with a lock join. (above)
Chain 6. (above left)
Flip work to back of doily. (above right)
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 (below left)
Reverse work (below right)
We are now looking at the front of the work again.

Ch 6 (above left)
RW (above right)
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 (left)
Reverse work (right)
Chain 6.
Join at very small picot, as seen at left.
Chain 7 (right)

Join to doily, ch 7.
Ch 7^6 (above left)
Lock join to very small picot on the ring. (above center and right)
You've done a full repeat of the motif! Not so bad once you get it attached to the second doily picot and can see where you are going with it.
Full stitch count for Round 7:
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2
Ch 6^7+ (join to front of doily) 7^6
Lock join to ring.
**Ch 6 Turn work to back.
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 RW
Ch 6 RW
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 RW
Ch 6+7+ (join to doily) 7^6
Lock join to ring.
Repeat from **
After 45 repeats, you're almost finished!
Now what?

It took me about a week to complete this round. See how much my nail wraps have grown out since the beginning of the post? :)
From the final join to the doily, your stitch count will be:
Ch 7, join to FIRST very small picot.
(see left)
Ch 6.
Lock join to very small picot on the final ring (left)
Chain 6 (right)
Turn work over (left)
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 (above)

Reverse work (above left)
Chain 6 (above right)
Join to first ring (below) as indicated.
NOTES: (Please review all instructions for round before beginning.)
For Round 7 you can use a single shuttle and ball thread if tatting in a single color if you like. I used two shuttles because I am using two colors--and I prefer two shuttles. I like the weight of the second shuttle hanging from the back of my hand. It creates additional tension.
Instruction key:
The - represents a decorative picot, and the ^ represents a very small joining picot. If you blow up the picture, you will be able to see the difference in picot sizes. If you see +, that will mean joining picot.
I am left handed, so keep in mind that your pattern may be traveling the opposite direction around the doily. On close up photos for technique, you will need to flip-flop them mentally and envision the mirror image if you are right handed.
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Completed Round 6 |
To begin:
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 (pictures 1 and 2)
Add second thread for the chains (pictures 3 and 4)
Picture 4 (left)
Tatting over tails:
Chain 6^7

Now attach to FRONT of doily at any picot on the edge.
Ch 7^6
(See above)

Flip work to back of doily. (above right)
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 (below left)
Reverse work (below right)
We are now looking at the front of the work again.

Ch 6 (above left)
RW (above right)
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 (left)
Reverse work (right)

Join at very small picot, as seen at left.
Chain 7 (right)

Join to doily, ch 7.
Lock join to very small picot on the ring. (above center and right)
You've done a full repeat of the motif! Not so bad once you get it attached to the second doily picot and can see where you are going with it.
Full stitch count for Round 7:
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2
Ch 6^7+ (join to front of doily) 7^6
Lock join to ring.
**Ch 6 Turn work to back.
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 RW
Ch 6 RW
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 RW
Ch 6+7+ (join to doily) 7^6
Lock join to ring.
Repeat from **
After 45 repeats, you're almost finished!
Now what?

From the final join to the doily, your stitch count will be:
Ch 7, join to FIRST very small picot.

Ch 6.

Turn work over (left)
R 2-2-2-2^2-2-2-2 (above)

Chain 6 (above right)
Join to first ring (below) as indicated.
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Cool flat sycamore shuttle, purchased from Jane Eborall's Etsy shop. |
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