Saturday, May 3, 2014

Renulek 2014 Summer napkin: step by step Rounds 1 and 2

I've joined a new group on facebook that attracts lots of newbies.  A lot of them want to try Renulek's doily but need a bit more instruction than stitch counts, so I thought I'd do a demo here, step by step.  Keep in mind I'm left handed, so, may need to flip flop my pictures.

IMPORTANT EDIT/NOTE:  YOU MUST USE TWO SHUTTLES for Round 2, so you may as well start Round 1 with both shuttles so you can move from one round to the next with ease.

Round 1:
Start with a ring.  The stitch count is
R 3-3^3-3^3-3

The - represents a decorative picot, and the ^ represents a very small joining picot.  If you blow up the picture, you will be able to see the difference in picot sizes.  Farther down the page, + will mean joining picot.

Reverse work (RW).  Chain 4-4^4-4.  RW and make 2nd ring, etc.

Once you work all the way around, on the 6th ring, you will need to join to ring 1.  Then you may choose to split the 6th chain to climb out of the round.  I will not explain how to do that.  Please refer to Linda Davies' You Tube video listed under toptattyhead.

If you want to split the chain, work to this point (below right):

 And then implement Linda's video.

When you have finished, you will have both threads coming out the top of the final chain, as at left.

You are then ready to move on to round two.  I chose to implement a split ring (below left).
 The stitch count for this ring is 8/8 where the / represents the fact that this is a split ring.  Again, refer to YouTube for excellent videos on technique, or check Jane Eborall's blog.

I did a split ring only for demonstration purposes.  In fact, in Round 2 I am switching to a different lighter pink for the rings and using the dark thread of the variegated for the chains.

Below, I have closed the split ring, made my join, and tatted over tails, making a chain of 5 ds.  Here you will stop and SWITCH SHUTTLES.
 To this point, my light pink thread (shuttle 1) was the working thread.  Here, I will pick up my blue shuttle, the one that has made the chain stitches in dark pink, and we will make our thrown rings with the blue shuttle (shuttle 2).

 I have formed a ring around my fingers (remember, I'm left handed, so flip this picture in your mind).  The stitch count is R4-4^4^4.  On the left below, you can see the unclosed ring I have made with shuttle 2 (blue).  Now close the ring (right).

Now switch shuttles again, using Shuttle 1, the light thread as the working thread.  Chain 5.  Switch shuttles again to Shuttle 2 (blue, dark pink above) to make the 2nd ring with stitch count R 4+4^4^4.  Switch shuttles to Shuttle 1.  Chain 5.  Switch to Shuttle 2 (blue, dark pink thread) R 4+4^4-4.  Switch to Shuttle 1, chain 5.  RW (reverse work).  Regular ring with Shuttle 1 (tortoise shell) R8+8.

Reverse work again.  Now going to make another chain and thrown ring.  Using Shuttle 1, chain 6.  Switch to Shuttle 2 (blue) R3-3-3-3-3-3.

Switch to Shuttle 1 again, R8+8.  And you are at the point in photo below.  Congratulations!  You can finish Round 2 of Renulek's 2014 Summer Napkin (doily).

When your doily likes like the one below, you are ready to make a decision--finish and tie and cut, or do another split chain and split ring to start Round 3.


  1. Fabulous idea Grace, a helpful tutorial :)

  2. Thanks, Fiona. I figured with the blog being in Polish, this might be helpful to anyone.

  3. Thank you for doing this I am such a beginner having trouble with a simple bookmark, I am not giving up I want to be able to make the beautiful things you ladies can make am already addicted to shuttles and thread. thank you again

  4. thank you so much iwas nearly pulling my hair out over this

  5. So glad this is helpful! I will post the Round 3 instructions in a couple of days.

  6. Very pretty start!! :)
    Great tutorial!! :)

  7. You did a great demo and I use this method all the time and try to explain it but I should have referred them here!

  8. Am I able to do this with a needle instead of two shuttles?

  9. Yes you can do this with needles. I am not a needle tatter, but I know people who did it with needles.
