Hi to my tatting friends! I spend my evenings scouring your blogs to see if there's anything new to look at. So -- maybe I ought to help out and give YOU something to look at too, although I don't think my work is quite up to level of what I see out there in tat-land!

Yay me! I finished one languishing WIP that has been sitting around for a year. It's a design by Patricia Rizzo and I have trouble with her patterns, got sick of working on it, etc. I used the shoe lace trick to swap colors before I knew what it was exactly, and I was not an expert at it. A year later, finishing the final round, I note that my technique is much improved.
The color is odd on this picture. Phone camera, whatcha gonna do? In size 10 Lizbeth, it's ecru and I
think purple splendor but not sure.
I finished it for the sake of doing so, but I have no idea what do with it now.
Below is the
Tudor rose by Rosemarie Peel.
Rosemarie's version |
My version |